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Review Salary, Total Cash & Equity Eligibility

Comp Review eligibility criteria are one of the factors that drive the budgeting process for the comp review since Kamsa calculates the overall budget factoring in eligibility rules.

 In this video, we’ll show you how to set up eligibility rules for Comp Review (including base salary, total cash, and equity reviews).

If you’re doing the salary and equity review simultaneously, you’ll need to set eligibility rules for the Salary and Equity Review separately.

Once a Comp Review plan is started, Kamsa defaults to assuming all employees are eligible for the review. However, if you want to narrow down which employees will be eligible, you can manage eligibility criteria by going to the Comp Review Planning page and clicking on Manage Eligibility. You can create eligibility rules for base salary and total cash on this page.

Review Salary Eligibility

0:54 To create an eligibility rule for base salary, click on Manage. 

The pop-up incorporates different types of criteria you can set. Once you create an eligibility rule, Kamsa will list all employees who fit the requirements, and you’ll be able to add exceptions to the rule. 

Once you set eligibility standards, the budget calculation factors in those that are eligible and excludes any employees who are not eligible based on the criteria you selected. 

For example, if you create an eligibility rule based on the Date of Hire, employees hired on or after the chosen date will be excluded from this Salary Review budget calculation. When you click Apply, a list of employees who are not eligible for the review based on their Date of Hire will appear. You can choose employees who should still be eligible for the base salary review from this list.

Here are the options for Salary Review eligibility and how they impact the review:

  1. The “Compa-ratio less than” and “Compa-ratio higher than” options allow you to enter a %. Kamsa will not include anyone with a compa-ratio less than or higher than the compa-ratio % entered.

  2. The Company Department option will display all of the company departments. For the departments you select, employees in these departments will not be eligible for the review. 

  3. The Country option will display the countries your employees are located in (for example, from the Country column within the Employee Data page). 

  4. The Date of Hire and Date of Last Increase options will prompt you to select a date, and the employees impacted on or after the chosen date will not be eligible for this Salary Review.

  5. The Employment Type provides the options of Full-time, Part-time, Temporary, and Contractor. For example, you can select Contractor if you don’t want Contractors eligible.

  6. The Employment Status allows you to create a rule that employees on a Leave of Absence would not be eligible for the review. 

  7. The Exemption Status allows you to create eligibility rules for exempt or non-exempt employees. 

  8. The Job Family lists Job Families that apply to your organization. The employees’ matched to the selected Job Families will not be eligible for the review. 

  9. The Job Level option will list all Kamsa Job Levels, from highest to lowest. The employees matched to the selected job levels will not be eligible for the review. 

  10. The Manager option will list all employees in your company who have direct reports. If a Manager is selected, then that manager and the employees who roll up to that person will not be eligible for the review. 

  11. The Market Data Cut lists all of Kamsa’s Market Data Cuts, and any employee matched to the selected data cuts will not be eligible for the review. 

To see the list of employees who are not eligible for the review, click on See list; from this list, you can also make employees eligible for the review. 

The employees listed as not eligible are not included in the comp review budget calculations. 

Once the review starts, the employees who are not eligible will still appear in the review (shaded in gray rows), and Compensation Reviewers will not be able to enter proposed base salary increases for them. 

However, if compensation reviewers want to promote employees who are not eligible, they will be able to toggle the Promotion section to “yes” for an employee that was not originally eligible for the review. The budget will not incorporate this unplanned promotion; said another way, the Comp Reviewer does not get an additional budget amount added for promoting an employee who was not originally eligible for the review. 

When the review is complete, Kamsa will add a note to the employee profiles as to why the employee was not eligible for the review. 

Review Total Cash Eligibility

5:00 If you’d like comp reviewers to be able to increase target incentives (for example, target commission amounts) or change pay mixes, identify which job families will be eligible for total cash changes. 

Under Target Commission Eligibility, click on Manage, and Kamsa will list all of the Job Families you have employees matched to. 

On this screen, select the Job Families eligible for Total Cash or Target Bonus.  

To see a list of employees with a target commission or bonus, click on the link, and Employee Data will open. 

Once the job families eligible for Total Cash are selected, click on See list for Kamsa to display the employees who would be eligible for Total Cash changes. 

Once the review starts, these employees will have a Total Cash section for the comp reviewer to enter a new proposed target total cash. 

The Target Commission Eligibility section also has a Country section to determine which countries will not participate in the Total Cash review. Select which countries should not be eligible for Total Cash by clicking on Edit, then unselect a country. 

Review Equity Eligibility

6:10 Now let’s review Equity Review eligibility.  To create an eligibility rule for the equity review, click on Manage. 

The pop-up that appears includes different criteria that you can set. Once you create an eligibility rule, Kamsa will list all of the employees who fit the criteria you selected, and you’ll be able to add exceptions to the rule. 

Once you set eligibility criteria, the shares budget calculation will exclude the employees who you identified as not eligible.

For example, if you create an eligibility rule based on the Date of Hire, the employees hired on or after the chosen date will be excluded from this Equity Review. When you click Apply, a list of employees who are not eligible for the review based on their Date of Hire will appear. You can choose employees who should still be eligible for the equity review from this list.  

Note: If someone is made not eligible in this Equity Review Eligibility section, then they will also not be eligible for a refresh grant automatically. 

Once eligibility is determined, Kamsa will calculate the budget needed for the review.