Q: What is job leveling?

A: A systematic process for determining the relative value of jobs in an organization. It is a foundation for reward and talent management programs including, but not limited to:

  • Career management (paths)

  • Compensation

  • Learning and development

  • Performance management

  • Workforce planning

  • Succession planning

Q: Why should we conduct a job leveling/titling exercise?

A: This job leveling/titling exercise aims to establish: 

  1. A common framework for managing rewards and talent going forward

  2. Uniformity and harmonization of titles across the combined organization. 

The goal is to ensure that job titles accurately convey employees’ roles and levels of responsibility.

Q: What positions are included in the job leveling/titling exercise?

A:  This job leveling/tiling exercise is an organization-wide exercise.

Q: How were employees and their respective positions classified into a job level?

A: Department and functional leaders collaborated with the People/HR Team as well as a consultant to establish job families and appropriate job levels within each job family. Definitions were established using six attribute-based level criteria (see below). The definitions were used to classify employees and their respective titles and job levels.

Level Criteria


Work Experience

Typical number of years of work experience required.


Level of expertise and knowledge, skills or abilities required.


Level of organizational accountability and scope

Work Latitude

Level of independent discretion, as well as supervision and direction required. Span of control.

Organizational Impact

Level of impact that execution of duties/responsibilities have on the department or the company.


The type of contact and purpose of contacts with others inside and outside of the company.

Q: How were the job levels established?

A:  We considered best practices, including market survey data on job titling practices.

Q: May employees use a different title on their business card?

A:  Certain client-facing employees may use a similar title (but not necessarily identical) on their business card or LinkedIn profile if it enhances credibility, for example, with potential clients. Any employee using a title that is different from their actual title on their business card must first obtain approval from their manager.

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