Kamsa’s Default Role Templates

There are four role templates that are default in every workspace.

  • Owner

  • Admin

  • Standard User

  • Comp Reviewer

What is an Owner?

An Owner is a unique role in Kamsa given to the main product owner.  An Owner can add, edit and delete Admins.  Admins have all the functionality of an Owner but cannot add, edit or delete other Admins.  They can; however, add any other form of user with the permissions they desire.

Each client will have one Owner who we identify and must be added by Kamsa’s internal team.  


Kamsa Admins can see all data and all pages within Kamsa.  They can add, edit or delete other users, but cannot add, edit or delete other Admins

Standard User

Standard Users by default only have access to see the Level Descriptions in Career Paths. Setting up someone as a Standard User is a great way to get a user into Kamsa if you’re unsure of what permissions you’d like them to have.

Comp Reviewer

Comp Reviewer is a unique template that gives a user the ability to access those who have been assigned to them in the event of a company compensation review.  This is only necessary for clients who have purchased the Plus package.