Performance ratings, along with base salary compa-ratios, can be used to calculate recommended salary increase guidelines and factored into the compensation review budget.

Performance rating labels can be customized in your Company Profile page.

Uploading Performance Ratings:

  1. Within the Comp Review Management page, the performance ratings template is available to download by clicking "Upload Performance Ratings"

  2. Enter the following into the file: Employee ID, Employee Name, Performance Rating, and Rating Effective Date.

    • Note: The Rating Effective Date is the estimated date the employee received this rating from their manager. 

  3. Upload the completed performance ratings template into Kamsa.

    • Once you upload the template, the performance rating button will turn green and display the uploaded date when you hover over it.

How Uploaded Performance Ratings Impact the Comp Review Budget:

To establish merit increase guidelines, you can solely use base salary compa-ratios (e.g., “unknown ratings” guidelines) or also choose to factor in performance ratings.

  • Uploading performance ratings during the planning process helps Kamsa calculate the budget for your Salary Review and/or Equity Review more precisely.

  • If performance ratings are uploaded, Comp Reviewers will be able to view their employees’ performance rating in the Comp Review.

  • Once you have started a Comp Review, you will be able to add/edit the performance ratings, but those changes will not impact the budget. Therefore, it’s important to make sure all performance ratings uploaded are as accurate as possible before starting the Comp Review.

  • Any eligible employees missing a performance rating (i.e., not included in the Performance Ratings file upload) will be assigned the merit increase guideline for "Unknown Rating".

Kamsa factors in the following employee information into the Calculated Salary Budget:

  • Country

  • Base salary compa-ratio

  • Uploaded performance rating

  • Uploaded promotion

The following employee information is factored into the Calculated Budget for Equity Reviews:

  • Job level

  • Job group (e.g., Technical or Non-Technical)

  • Uploaded performance rating

  • Uploaded promotion

  • Country