Market Data Cut Approach

There are two types of Market Data Cut approaches you can default to:

  1. Local Market Data

  2. Geographic Differential

If the majority of your workforce is located outside of the U.S., it’s recommended you choose the Local Market Data as the default Market Data Cut approach. Otherwise, the majority of our clients choose to default to the Geographic Differential approach.

Choosing the Geographic Differential approach will default Kamsa to match your employees to these geographic differentials.

At any point, you can change your Market Data Cut Approach, however, before doing so, we highly recommend exporting a Employee Data report in case you need to revert back; Then, you can refer to this report for what the prior Market Data Cuts were for each employee.

Note: Kamsa recommends matching all U.S. based executive jobs (VP and above) to your company’s respective Revenue Cut (the target revenue range you’ve entered in the Company Profile); for example, <$50M revenue, $50M to $199.9M revenue, etc.