Employee Data
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Employee Data
Video: Overview of Employee Data
What's the best way to update Business Titles?
Census Data Guide
Edit Individual Employee
Edit Multiple Employees at Once
Filter Data
Employee Data Activity Log
Rearrange Columns
Employee Data Overview
How to edit employee data using existing census data file
How to import from HRIS
How to add a new Company Department
How do I update Employee ID in Kamsa?
Video: How to fill out a census data file
Video: Employee Data Export
How do I display a missing field/column in Employee Data?
Should I focus on Total Cash compa-ratio or Base Salary compa-ratio?
What's the difference between Total Cash compa-ratio and Base Salary compa-ratio?
How is Total Cash compa-ratio calculated?
What is the difference between Census Data and Employee Data exports?
How can I edit the base salary for an employee?
How can I update or change an employee’s Manager in Kamsa?
How can we edit an employee’s date of hire?
How to change the 2nd level manager in Employee Data?
How can you change the Job Group in Employee Data?
How can you change the Kamsa Job Match in Employee Data?
How can you change the Pay Basis in Employee Data?
How can you change the Top Executive in Employee Data?
How do I add a new employee into the system before the official start date?
How do you mark someone as terminated in Employee Data?
How often should I update Kamsa's employee data from my HRIS?
What is the difference between Exempt and Non-Exempt?
What is the difference between Hourly vs. Salary in Pay Basis?
Video: How to add employees to Employee Data
Video: Overview of Employee Profile
Video: How to edit an employee's data
Video: How to terminate and delete an employee